Month: March 2012

Update to “Women and Named Reactions”

    Accounts of Chemical Research recently published some additions and corrections to their article “Named Reactions Discovered and Developed by Women.”  They were informed of another reaction unambiguously named for a woman – the Catellani reaction.  Prof. Marta Catellani of the University of Parma reported…

CO2 Reduction on Tin Electrodes and Enhanced Activity for Tin/Tin Oxide Thin-Film Catalysts

Title:  Tin Oxide Dependence of the CO2 Reduction Efficiency on Tin Electrodes and Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Tin/Tin-Oxide Thin Film Catalyst DOI:  10.1021/ja2108799 Author:  Yihong Chen and Matthew W. Kanan Journal:  Journal of the American Chemical Society Affiliation:  Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United…