New research reveals plausible degradation pathways of metallic gold into nanoparticles through unforeseen corrosion!
Greener materials for the next generation of solid fuels
Greener materials and processes for fuels and explosives! Scientist demonstrate how to tune a class of porous materials that ignite spontaneously when mixed with acid.
Engineering new types of nanocrystals through ingenious chemistry!
Scientists access new types of nanocrystals by leveraging simple acid-base concepts. The take-home message: always remember the basics!
OLEDs are earth-friendly, energy-efficient, all while being ultra-thin, flexible, and lightweight. They are the future of ultra-efficient lighting. Researchers are now coming up with new techniques to fabricate such sustainable and efficient OLEDs.
Hydrogenation without turning up the heat
Researchers discover a new way to dope high-melting oxides in solution with hydrogen.
Discovery of a small triangular analog of graphene
New triangular shaped small graphene analog is synthesized and characterized extensively.
Designing and Understanding New Semiconductor Crystals
Solar panels are expensive because of the high-purity silicon present in them. A new material called perovskite rivals the solar conversion efficiency of silicon, but at a fraction of the cost. There is however still a lot of fundamental understanding to be done on perovskites, which these researchers do by studying analogous structures.