Article Title: Bio-Inspired Sandwich-Structured All-Day-Round SolarEvaporator for Synergistic Clean Water and Electricity Generation Authors: Ran Niu, Jiaxin Ren, Junqiang Justin Koh, Ling Chen, Jiang Gong,* Jinping Qu,Xiaodong Xu, Jalal Azadmanjiri, and Jiakang Min Journal: Advanced Energy Materials Year: 2023 DOI: Image Source: José Manuel Suárez…
Tag: sustainability
Pulling water out of thin air
Researchers have developed a new metal-organic framework that can harvest clean water directly from the air, even in arid climates.
A New Highly Degradable Biobased Plastic
An investigation of the performance and degradation mechanism of a seawater-degradable copolyester.
Want more fertile crops this harvest? Add animal bones to your cauldron
Sustaining the world’s population requires finding creative new ways to boost food production