Tag: Nanoparticles

Beetles Inspire Improved Water Purification Device

Article Title: Bio-Inspired Sandwich-Structured All-Day-Round SolarEvaporator for Synergistic Clean Water and Electricity Generation Authors: Ran Niu, Jiaxin Ren, Junqiang Justin Koh, Ling Chen, Jiang Gong,* Jinping Qu,Xiaodong Xu, Jalal Azadmanjiri, and Jiakang Min Journal: Advanced Energy Materials Year: 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202302451 Image Source: José Manuel Suárez…

Looking inside your TV

Ever wondered how the images on your TV or computer screen are formed? Today let’s look inside your TV and learn about the nanoparticles forming the high definition display! (Obviously without slicing it open!)

Getting Rid of the Coffee Ring

Coffee has more to offer your brain than just yawn-free days! Transform your everyday experience with coffee and its stains to an understanding of the interesting phenomenon of coffee ring effect. Explore its implications and challenges in materials industry and learn about a simple approach to get rid of it.

Enhanced Fisher-Tropsch Chemistry Inside Carbon Nanotubes Containing Iron Nitride Nanoparticles

Title: FeN nanoparticles confined in carbon nanotubes for CO hydrogenation  Authors: Zhiqiang Yang, Shujing Guo, Xiulian Pan, Junhu Wang, and Xinhe Ba Journal: Energy and Environmental Science Affiliation: * State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Above: Cartoon depicting Iron Nitride…