Breaking down the study descriptors in a clinical trial

Clinical trials are often labeled with a laundry list of descriptors: single blind, double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized – what do these labels all mean? Let’s look at a recent study as an example of what these descriptions mean and why they’re relevant to the research conducted.

Unmasking COVID-19 infections

As the global COVID-19 pandemic rolls into its third year many of us wear masks almost all day at work or in the community. Read how these researchers have developed a sensor that can be embedded into your mask, which collects your exhaled breath to act as a COVID-19 test for the end of the day.

Molecular Nanoparticles: Large Molecules to Prevent Oxidative Stress?

Maybe chemistry can save us—in this case, synthetic chemists have developed a family of lanthanide-oxo molecules and investigate their capabilities as radical species scavengers, with a possible future in the clinic to mitigate various diseases onset by oxidative stress (get antioxidants into your diet, people!).

Ozone Is The Key To Effective Lipid Detection And Isomer Resolution

Lipids are an important class of biological molecules where the physical and chemical structure will impact its function in our body. Effective lipid detection and analysis are key to understanding specific lipid interactions and overall biological impact. This paper discusses development of new analytical detection technique for mass spectrometry which provides greater insight into lipid biological chemistry.

Getting Rare (Earth) Elements via Proteins

Title: Bridging Hydrometallurgy and Biochemistry: A Protein-Based Process for Recovery and Separation of Rare Earth Elements Rare earth elements (REEs), i.e. the lanthanides, yttrium, and scandium, are used in many critical parts of modern life due to their electromagnetic properties, including healthcare, consumer electronics, and…

Looking into the crystal bubble

Protein crystallisation is an important technique in drug discovery, and storage of proteins in the biopharmaceutical industry but can sometimes be regarded as a dark-art. Read how researchers use air-bubbles to improve protein crystal growth.

The metal your gut craves

Tungsten helps your gut microbiome remove toxic chemicals. Without a major source of tungsten in our diets, it might be the metal your gut has been craving.

Turning Sludge into Building Materials

Safely handling hazardous waste generated from industrial processes is crucial to preventing environmental contamination. Chemists handle their heavy metal hazardous waste by transforming the sludge into useful construction materials